Hi there. Would be helpful to know more about your system. Pictures, schematics, or specific details would help us give advice. Also, does the problem...
OK good. Yes, you do not want that resistor in there... just wasting power. If you connect the pump to a PWM output of a MOSFET (or UniShield drive...
No - that pump should not burn up at 12.1V, let alone 15V. Manufacturer defect for sure. Your heaters are DC? One thing I potentially see for the ...
Motors can run with less power than rated... their output torque (and therefore pumping power) will be reduced accordingly. In fact, this can be a gre...
Hi! Yes, the included probes are 3.5mm headphone connections. We provide a 5-port splitter with the UniFlex, so you can plug more than one sensor....
Try pushing the boot button (right side when USB port is pointed toward you). It will then begin to accept the download.
Eek!! Yes this is waaaay delayed. We've been fortunate to have a flow of orders to get out the door... BUT trust this is on the radar. I would say it ...
Thanks for posting these. #1 is not technically a bug. Sleep doesn't accept a variable as input, only a number. That said, this should be available,...
You can't calibrate 1-wire sensors. Reason is a certain way we handle these conversions. We will add it in an upcoming release.
draw.io. They have online and free versions. This looks to be a mod of our universal schematics. If you would like an editable one, please email us. i...
Here is the most recent. [setup] new value MashVol new value SpargeVol new value StrikeTemp new value MashStep1Temp new time MashStep1Time new...
We actually did not use much of any scripts during the brew day - that was mostly a manual brew. That said, the script has not really changed. I’m ...
Let us reach out and see if they will provide it first. If they say "no", then I'll ping you!
Good question! We could use it if we could read it. As you said, I don’t think they publish the protocol. We might be able to sniff it but don’t have ...