
Found 4 Bugs in Bru...
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Found 4 Bugs in BruControl Beta Release (v1.1.0.20)

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I found four minor bugs in the beta release of the software. Should I post this issues here, or are bugs being tracked elsewhere?

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I think I'll go ahead and post it here. I can also move it later, if needed. The attached zip file contains a configuration file with 4 short scripts that highlight the issues. They are:

  • Can't Sleep: The sleep command will not allow you to specify a variable as the sleep time.
    // This script stalls out on line 9
    new value sleepTime
    sleepTime = 250
    sleepTime precision = 0
    print "Begin Test"
    sleep sleepTime // Code does not execute byond this point
    print "End Test"
    stop "Can't Sleep"


  • Comments and Quotes: The syntax highlighting gets out of sync if a single quote is included in a comment.
    new string myStr
    myStr = "This line has proper syntax highlighting"
    // Notice how the syntax highlighting beyond this point
    // gets messed up if a single quote " is included in 
    // the comments.
    myStr = "Syntax highlighting is messed up here"
    // and in the line below
    stop "Comments and Quotes"


  • Out of Sync: Very long quotes mess up the interpreter during debugging. If you load the following script and step through it in debug mode, you'll see what I mean.
    // If you step through this code in the debugger, you'll find that the interpreter gets out 
    // of sync after line 8. The 'step' function doesn't recognize that the string, myLongString,
    // is multiple lines lone.
    print "Test 1"
    new string myLongString
    myLongString = "This is a test to see what happens when the line wraps in the script editor. This is a test to see what happens when the line wraps in the script editor. This is a test to see what happens when the line wraps in the script editor.This is a test to see what happens when the line wraps in the script editor. This is a test to see what happens when the line wraps in the script editor."
    print "Tests 2"
    print "Tests 3"
    print "Tests 4"
    print "Tests 5"
    stop "Out of Sync"

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The fourth issue is a little more complicated to explain. So, I created the attached PDF file to demonstrate. Basically, under certain conditions, the script editor messes with the size of large Globals.

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Here's the BruControl configuration that I forgot to attach.


This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by davidvititoe70

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Thanks for posting these.

#1 is not technically a bug. Sleep doesn't accept a variable as input, only a number. That said, this should be available, so we'll still include it.

#2 is a bug - the quote should be ignored since it is commented

#3 fair enough - we might not be able to fix this easily, but can document it

#4 is a bug - I thought we fixed this but maybe not fully.


Thanks again for passing these along!

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#3 is easy to work around. I just build the longer strings incrementally.

new string myLongString
myLongString = "This is a test to see what happens when the line wraps in the script editor."
myLongString = myLongString + "Add more stuff here."

It drove my nuts until I figured out what was going on. Now it's easy to work around.

I'm seeing a similar issue with long comments too. I generally avoid doing this, but I did notice the issue.

BTW: I love the software. I'm having a lot of fun building out my new brew controller interface. Cheers.

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One final thought on #3. Could you just eliminate line wrapping in the editor window? If the text never wraps, you would eliminate the problem. Just a thought.

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Ok thanks!
