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PID Malfunction

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When trying to tune my PIDs, I noted they were not responding correctly.  I use all metric units, and I only got them to respond correctly when deleting the Fahrenheit to Celsius calibration for the 1-wire temp sensor.  I do have a small (<2°C) linear offset on most of my temp sensors, but when this offset was deleted, there was no effect on the PID function.  I assume this is a BC software error, and I'm wondering if this was corrected in a different version.  I'm using v1.1 build 4.  Thank you.

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Installed v.1.1 build 22 with no change.  I might be missing something, but I can't figure it out.

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Grrr...I calibrated the sensors wrong.  Works now.

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You can't calibrate 1-wire sensors. Reason is a certain way we handle these conversions. We will add it in an upcoming release.
