These are used to wire the appropriate device type(s) to each interface PIN. Instructions:
- Download the map for your Interface.
- Version 1.2 (Firmware 46)
- Version 1.1 (Firmware v45E+)
BruControl Interface Wiring Map Arduino MEGA 2560 v1.1 FW v45E+
BruControl Interface Wiring Map Adafruit Feather M0 v1.1
BruControl Interface Wiring Map ESP32 Development Module v1.1
BruControl Interface Wiring Map ESP8266/85 Generic Module v1.1
BruControl Interface Wiring Map Adafruit Grand Central M4 v1.1
- Version 1.1 (Firmware v45C and prior)
BruControl Interface Wiring Map Arduino MEGA 2560 v1.1
BruControl Interface Wiring Map Adafruit Feather M0 v1.1
BruControl Interface Wiring Map ESP32 Development Module v1.1
BruControl Interface Wiring Map ESP8266/85 Generic Module v1.1
BruControl Interface Wiring Map Arduino Due v1.1
BruControl Interface Wiring Map Adafruit Grand Central M4 v1.1
- Version 1.0
BruControl Interface Wiring Map Arduino MEGA 2560 v1.0
BruControl Interface Wiring Map Arduino Due v1.0
BruControl Interface Wiring Map Adafruit Feather M0 v1.0
BruControl Interface Wiring Map Arduino 101 v1.0
BruControl Interface Wiring Map Arduino UNO v1.0
BruControl Interface Wiring Map NodeMCU or Wemos D1 v1.0
BruControl Interface Wiring Map Arduino Primo 1.0
BruControl Interface Wiring Map Sonoff TH / Dual
- Carefully review the Notes / Key section for firmware codes, connection options, input/output types, wiring considerations, etc.
- Select the column for the firmware you are using (based upon connection type, options, etc.).
- Wire each Interface PIN per possible input/outputs. When creating a Device Element in BruControl, select the device’s corresponding port.