Thanks for pointing this out! I logged it.
That's really nice! I like that it has the breakout pins available too. Only thing missing is the USB connection - so it needs an dongle. BUT, only ne...
Hi there. We don't publish the protocol between the application and the interface. If you want to exchange data to Node-Red, please access it via the ...
BC doesn't have any type of internal triggering (in the firmware) to change the output based on the input. This could be done in the scripting but it ...
The Zero-Cross is an output signal from the dimmer telling the micro-controller when the sine-wave of the AC input circuit is at zero. I assume this h...
Can you post the module? PWM is easy, but not sure of the zero-crossing you are mentioning.
Hi, depends on which UniShield. The MEGA does not have any power pass-through from the base board to the riser board. The ESP32 does from base VA to r...
Heating elements typically draw ~23 A. That leaves a few amps of headroom for pumps (2 A each). It's not such a great policy to count on overloading...
The software and Arduino can drive as many devices as it has outputs for. So for your schematic above, you can add another breaker/contactor/SSR/Eleme...
You can have as many as I/O in the interface wiring map that show R as the code. Sorry about that in the manual!
In my opinon, not really. The ESP32 is USB or WiFi only, whereas the MEGA can be USB, Wi-Fi, or Ethernet. If the ESP32 covers your short-term I/O need...
Just tested this, and it is indeed a bug! When changing the format, for some reason the value read by the script is changing too... the time shifts fr...
What kind of pump (AC/DC?). How is it powered... from a UniShield, through a relay, etc. Sometimes the EMI from an inductive load (like a motor, sol...