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Brewery Code

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If you want to control the element (pump) couldn't you make a button on the other workspace and have a script in the background that looks for that button to be pushed and changes the state of the pump control on the other worksheet?

I had been planning to do just that.


I just tried it with my boil kettle purge gas valve (BK_Gas), and put a control button "Change_BKgas" on my control box status workspace, then have the script below watching it to reflect the change.

wait "Change_BKgas" State == true

if "BK_Gas" State == false
"BK_Gas" State = true
"BK_Gas" State = false
//sleep 1000
"Change_BKgas" State = false
goto bloop1
This post was modified 6 years ago by natebrews

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Good idea. You should have some sleep time in there to keep the cpu from running flat out. 

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Do you need the sleep time in it if you are using a wait statement?  Does it work like a poll or an interrupt (clearly from my perspective it is an interrupt, but inside the guts I'm guessing it is more of a poll thing based on your comment)?  


I just checked my system and with that script running the CPU usage is 0.7%.

This post was modified 6 years ago by natebrews

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No, you don't need a sleep if there is some buffer time sitting on a wait.

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Posts: 2


Sorry to revive an old thread, just watched the full brew day with Brian and bought the Pro version the next day.  I'd love to see an updated version of your scripts now that the one listed here is about 4 years old!


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We actually did not use much of any scripts during the brew day - that was mostly a manual brew. 

That said, the script has not really changed. I’m happy to post the most recent version of my personal rig’s script, but I sincerely encourage anyone looking to automate to build their own from the beginning. Scripts are strongly linked to the Elements of a particular configuration so it can get out of context quickly unless you take the time to fully understand the elements and their hardware. 

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Here is the most recent.

new value MashVol
new value SpargeVol
new value StrikeTemp
new value MashStep1Temp
new time MashStep1Time
new value MashStep2Temp
new time MashStep2Time
new value MashStep3Temp
new time MashStep3Time
new value PreBoilVolume
new time SteepTime
new value TransferTemp
new string Status

MashVol = 18
SpargeVol = 18
StrikeTemp = 160
MashStep1Temp = 152
MashStep1Time = 01:00:00
MashStep2Temp = 152
MashStep2Time = 00:00:00
MashStep3Temp = 152
MashStep3Time = 00:00:00
PreBoilVolume = 30
SteepTime = 00:00:00
TransferTemp = 65

Status = "Ready to Start"
"Step" Type = CountUp
restart "Step"
"Mash Temp" Enabled = true
"Mash Level" Enabled = true
"RIMS Temp" Enabled = true
"Flowmeter 1" Enabled = true
"Valve 1" Enabled = true
"Valve 2" Enabled = true
"Valve 3" Enabled = true
"Valve 4" Enabled = true
"Valve 5" Enabled = true
"Valve 6" Enabled = true
"Valve P1" Enabled = true
"Valve P2" Enabled = false
"RIMS Heat PID" Enabled = false
"RIMS Heat Duty" Enabled = false
"RIMS High Power" Enabled = true
"Pump 1" Enabled = true
"Pump 2" Enabled = true
"RIMS Heat PID" Enabled = false
"Water Input" Enabled = false
"Boil Temp" Enabled = false
"Boil Heat Duty" Enabled = false
"Boil Heat PID" Enabled = false
"Chill Temp" Enabled = false
"Chill Flush" Enabled = false
"Condenser" Enabled = false
"Panel Alarm" Enabled = true
"CONTINUE" State = false
wait "CONTINUE" State == true

Status = "Prep Fill"
restart "Step"
restart "Master"
"Valve 1" State = on
"Valve 2" State = off
"Valve 3" State = off
"Valve P1" Value = 60
"RIMS High Power" State = on
"Pump 1" State = off
"Valve 4" State = off
"Valve 5" State = off
"Valve 6" State = off
sleep 5000

new value PreMashVol
PreMashVol = MashVol - 4
Status = "Fill"
restart "Step"
"Pump 1" State = on
wait "Mash Level" Value >= PreMashVol
"Valve P1" Value = 35
delete PreMashVol
wait "Mash Level" Value >= MashVol

Status = "Prep Strike"
restart "Step"
"Pump 1" State = off
"Valve 1" State = off
"Valve 2" State = on
"Valve P1" Value = 60
sleep 5000
"Pump 1" State = on
sleep 10000
wait "Flowmeter 1" Rate > 5
"RIMS Heat Duty" DutyCycle = 100
"RIMS Heat Duty" Enabled = true

Status = "Heat Strike"
restart "Step"
new value PreStrikeTemp
PreStrikeTemp = StrikeTemp - 3
wait "Mash Temp" Value > PreStrikeTemp
"RIMS Heat PID" Target = StrikeTemp + 2
"RIMS Heat PID" Enabled = true
delete PreStrikeTemp

if "Mash Temp" Value >= StrikeTemp
	"Brew Alarm" Active = true
	"RIMS Heat PID" Target = StrikeTemp + 1
	goto dough_in
sleep 3000
goto strike_loop

Status = "Strike Ready"
restart "Step"
"CONTINUE" State = false
wait "CONTINUE" State == true
"Brew Alarm" Active = false
"RIMS Heat PID" Enabled = false
"Pump 1" State = off
sleep 3000
"RIMS High Power" State = off
Status = "Dough In"
"CONTINUE" State = false
wait "CONTINUE" State == true

new value MashLevelFull
new value MashLevelLow
new value MashStep
new value MashTempDelta
MashStep = 1
Status = "Mash Step 1"
"AutoMash" State = true
sleep 5000
MashLevelFull = "Mash Level" Value - 2
MashLevelLow = MashLevelFull - 6
restart "Step"
"Valve P1" Value = 40
sleep 5000
"Pump 1" State = on
sleep 10000
"RIMS Heat PID" Target = MashStep1Temp + 2
"RIMS Heat PID" Enabled = true
sleep 30000

if "AutoMash" State == true
	if "Mash Level" Value < MashLevelLow
 		if "Valve P1" Value > 30
			"Valve P1" Value -= 1
	if "Mash Level" Value > MashLevelFull
 		if "Valve P1" Value < 60
			"Valve P1" Value += 1
if MashStep == 1
	if "Step" Value >= MashStep1Time
		Status = "Mash Step 2"
		restart "Step"
		"RIMS Heat PID" Target = MashStep2Temp + 1
		MashStep = 2
	MashTempDelta = "Mash Temp" Value - MashStep1Temp
if MashStep == 2
	if "Step" Value >= MashStep2Time
		Status = "Mash Step 3"
		restart "Step"
		"RIMS Heat PID" Target = MashStep3Temp + 1
		MashStep = 3
	MashTempDelta = "Mash Temp" Value - MashStep2Temp
if MashStep == 3
	if "Step" Value >= MashStep3Time
		goto mashout
	MashTempDelta = "Mash Temp" Value - MashStep3Temp
sleep 5000
goto mash_loop

delete MashLevelFull
delete MashLevelLow
delete MashStep
delete MashTempDelta
Status = "Mashout"
restart "Step"
"RIMS Heat PID" Enabled = false
"Valve P1" Value = 60
sleep 3000
"RIMS High Power" State = on
sleep 3000
"RIMS Heat PID" Target = 172
"RIMS Heat PID" Enabled = true
wait "Mash Temp" Value > 168

new value MinFlowRate
new value MaxFlowRate
new value MashTopLevel
new value MashBottomLevel
Status = "Prep Sparge"
restart "Step"
"RIMS Heat PID" Enabled = false
sleep 5000
"Pump 1" State = off
sleep 10000
MinFlowRate = 0.9
MaxFlowRate = 1.2
MashTopLevel = "Mash Level" Value + 1
MashBottomLevel = "Mash Level" Value - 1
"Valve P1" Value = 35
"Valve P2" Value = 30
"Valve 2" State = off
"Valve 3" State = on
"Valve 1" State = on
"Valve 4" State = off
"Valve 5" State = off
"Valve 6" State = on
"Pump 2" State = off
"Boil Temp" Enabled = true
"Flowmeter 1" Enabled = false
"Boil Level" Enabled = true
"Valve P2" Enabled = true
sleep 5000
"Flowmeter 1" Enabled = true

Status = "Sparge"
restart "Step"
new value SpargeLoop
new bool FlowOK
new bool RIMSOff
SpargeLoop = 0
RIMSOff = false
"Pump 1" State = on
"Pump 2" State = on
sleep 5000
"RIMS Heat Duty" DutyCycle = 55
"RIMS Heat Duty" Enabled = true

if "RIMS Temp" Value > 185
	"RIMS Heat Duty" Enabled = false
	RIMSOff = true
	if RIMSOff == true
		"RIMS Heat Duty" Enabled = true
		RIMSOff = false
if "Flowmeter 1" Value >= SpargeVol
	goto drain
if "Mash Level" Value > MashTopLevel
	"Valve P2" Value += 1
if "Mash Level" Value < MashBottomLevel
	"Valve P2" Value -= 1
if SpargeLoop >= 10
	FlowOK = true
	if "Flowmeter 1" Rate > MaxFlowRate
		"Valve P1" Value -= 1
		FlowOK = false
	if "Flowmeter 1" Rate < MinFlowRate 
		"Valve P1" Value += 1
		FlowOK = false
	if FlowOK == true
		if "RIMS Temp" Value > 175
			"RIMS Heat Duty" DutyCycle -= 1
		if "RIMS Temp" Value < 165
			"RIMS Heat Duty" DutyCycle += 1
	SpargeLoop = 0
sleep 1000
SpargeLoop += 1
goto sparge_loop

delete MashTopLevel
delete MashBottomLevel
delete SpargeLoop
delete FlowOK
delete RIMSOff
delete MinFlowRate
delete MaxFlowRate
Status = "Drain Mash"
restart "Step"
"RIMS Heat Duty" Enabled = false
"Valve 1" State = off
"Valve P1" Value = 0
"Pump 1" State = off
"Valve P2" Value = 30
sleep 5000
"RIMS High Power" State = off
"CONTINUE" State = false

if "CONTINUE" State == true
	"CONTINUE" State = false
	goto boil
if "Boil Level" Value >= PreBoilVolume
	goto boil
sleep 1000
goto drain_loop

Status = "Boil Ramp"
restart "Step"
"Pump 2" State = off
"Valve 3" State = off
"Valve 6" State = on
"Boil Heat Duty" DutyCycle = 100
"Boil Heat Duty" Enabled = true
"Mash Temp" Enabled = false
"Mash Level" Enabled = false
"Flowmeter 1" Enabled = false
"RIMS Temp" Enabled = false
"Condenser" Enabled = true
wait "Boil Temp" Value >= 211
"Brew Alarm" Active = true
sleep 3000
"Brew Alarm" Active = false
Status = "Boil"
"Step" Type = CountDown
"Step" Value = 01:00:00
"Condenser" State = on
"Boil Heat Duty" DutyCycle = 75
wait "Boil Temp" Value >= 212
"Boil Heat Duty" DutyCycle = 30
wait "Step" Value <= 00:05:00
"Valve 4" State = on
"Valve 5" State = on
"Valve P2" Value = 100
"Chill Temp" Enabled = true
sleep 5000
"Pump 2" State = on
sleep 10000
"Boil Heat Duty" DutyCycle = 100
sleep 20000
wait "Boil Temp" Value >= 212
"Boil Heat Duty" DutyCycle = 40
wait "Step" Value <= 00:00:00
"Boil Heat Duty" Enabled = false

Status = "Chill Boil Kettle"
"Step" Type = CountUp
restart "Step"
"Chill Flush" Enabled = true

"Chill Flush" State = on
sleep 10000
wait "Boil Temp" Value <= 175
"Chill Flush" State = off
sleep 15000
if "Boil Temp" Value > 175
	goto chillboil_loop

Status = "Steep"
restart "Step"
"Condenser" State = off
"Boil Heat PID" Target = 170
"Boil Heat PID" MaxOutput = 50
"Boil Heat PID" Enabled = true
sleep 1000

if "Step" Value >= SteepTime
	goto whirlpool
sleep 30000
"Pump 2" State = on
sleep 5000
"Pump 2" State = off
goto steep_loop

Status = "Whirlpool Fast"
restart "Step"
"Valve P2" Value = 65
"Valve 5" State = off
"Pump 2" State = on
wait "Step" Value >= 00:10:00
Status = "Whirlpool Slow"
"Valve P2" Value = 100
"Valve 5" State = on
wait "Step" Value >= 00:15:00

new value TransferTempLow
new value TransferTempHigh
Status = "Transfer Ready"
restart "Step"
"Brew Alarm" Active = true
"CONTINUE" State = false
wait "CONTINUE" State == true

Status = "Transferring"
"Brew Alarm" Active = false
"Boil Heat PID" Enabled = false
"Chill Flush" State = on
"Valve P2" Value = 30
sleep 3000
"Valve 6" State = off
"CONTINUE" State = false
sleep 30000

TransferTempLow = TransferTemp - 2
TransferTempHigh = TransferTemp + 2
if "Chill Temp" Value < TransferTempLow
	"Valve P2" Value += 1
if "Chill Temp" Value > TransferTempHigh
	"Valve P2" Value -= 1
if "Valve P2" Value > 45
	"Valve P2" Value = 45
if "Valve P2" Value < 25
	"Valve P2" Value = 25
if "Boil Level" Value < 4
	goto pre_shutdown
if "CONTINUE" State == true
	"CONTINUE" State = false
	goto shutdown
sleep 15000
goto transfer_loop

"Valve P2" Value = 0
Status = "Open P2 for Remainder"
"Brew Alarm" Active = true
"CONTINUE" State = false
wait "CONTINUE" State == true

start "Brew Reset"
stop "Brew"

Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 2
Posted by: @pbruno3

We actually did not use much of any scripts during the brew day - that was mostly a manual brew. 

That said, the script has not really changed. I’m happy to post the most recent version of my personal rig’s script, but I sincerely encourage anyone looking to automate to build their own from the beginning. Scripts are strongly linked to the Elements of a particular configuration so it can get out of context quickly unless you take the time to fully understand the elements and their hardware. 

Yeah, sorry, I should have been more clear.  I'm actually writing it from a blank slate...  I've read through the docs twice even, but sometimes I like to look at how other people wrote code to go "Ahh, that's a more clever way to accomplish that!"  I appreciate you posting this!

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