Hi. I grabbed v44 of the firmware and had a problem installing it on a NodeMCU micro that I have used v43 on previously. The NodeMCU was the only CO...
I also tried using the global variable datetime element. I tried making one called TimeNow with the Variable Type "DateTime" and when I try to use it...
That is what mine has on it now. I have flipped the power switch probably 10 times on it and haven't had a problem yet. If it is polarized (like an ...
So, my power on theory seems to have played out. After trying to come up with some complicated way to do it I had a moment of clarity. Placing a cap...
I have been seeing some problems at power up on my Mega when using the 5V/3A DIN supply in the order list. If I power the part up after the supply is...
Do you need the sleep time in it if you are using a wait statement? Does it work like a poll or an interrupt (clearly from my perspective it is an in...
If you want to control the element (pump) couldn't you make a button on the other workspace and have a script in the background that looks for that bu...
Ok, well that explains it. I’ll just use that option then.
I was doing this in the Suffix field under the Calibration tab for a device (1-wire temp probe). The specific example was superscripting an 'o' so th...