Yeah, as I thought about it more today, I realized it wouldn't make sense for easy communication (for several reasons). All good, I just scripted a fe...
Update on this build: I have the fermenter PSI sensor proplerly connected to a length of wire thanks to my engineer neighbor. The resistors and capaci...
In case someone experiences this, the issue was assuming I had SqlLocalDB installed on this PC when I had it on my old PC. Installing this based on th...
Sent. Thanks, @pbruno3!
I had just updated to and have been running that for a few hours. I'll send the log still in case it is a running log, but just FYI. Thanks!
@pbruno3 Thanks! Turns out my 300-piece set has a 10uF, so I will try that. I saw 22uF on your schematic, but that was for a 5v Arduino setup, without...
As an update to this, I added a capacitor after the 2nd resistor to help with the constant scattering of initial values (typically within a range of +...
Alright, so in 1.1.016, the graph still resets itself if I alter the timeline or simply open the settings and click OK without changes. I'll watch for...
Actually, I now see a update for BETA. I will download that and see how it plays with the graphs and exemptions. Sorry if you already address...
Thank you for your help, @pbruno3! I got the resistors, connected the 1k/2k accordingly, and played with the numbers until I got the sensor to give me...
Ah, yes, reading more on the level of ohms now. Thanks! And perfect. Thank you for the input and support. Playing with BC and its capabilities m...
Alright, I think I've settled on a 10ohm/20ohm resistor voltage divider. This should keep the wattage low (.625) and let me scale the voltage proporti...
Ah, I see the schematic for the MEGA analog sensor setup. Will dig into that more