I believe the answer is no, but wanted to double check... Are an element's color attributes reachable by script? For example, if I use a Global as a mechanism to display a status, can I alternate between a red/green background color as status conditions warrant?
Yes, using the Background Image settings in the Appearance tab. You can select, red and green backgrounds for instance. You can then call using a boolean or other script to enable the different backgrounds.
From the legend... I'm humbled. 🙂
Yeah, I had pondered doing images. Knowing myself, I'm afraid if I start down that path I won't be able to just do a red/green image, I'll start going crazy (after seeing how awesome yours is) and never finish my build.
Was eyeballing the Back Color property when I inquired and was wondering if RGB values could be passed in... I had a simple red/green in mind but one could get mathy and have the colors be based on the value of the object, like fade from blue to red as a kettle heated up, etc. (See, already derailing myself!)
Thx for the reply, and and a genuine nod of approval to you on how incredible your setup is (both hardware and software).
What about changing the Appearance -> Value -> Back color or front color values? They don't seem to be exposed to scripts