Active Member
RE: File size getting out of control
This makes sense to me for the "Logs" folder... is it the same for the "Data" folder? What happens if I delete the "Data" folder?
6 years ago
RE: Passing variables across scripts
I'm not following...
6 years ago
RE: Passing variables across scripts
I can see how one could combine loops into one (but that seems like a lot of work). I don't understand how one would allow multiple loops to run at th...
6 years ago
RE: Passing variables across scripts
I suppose if the answer is no, the question I'll be asked is why I want to do that... Here's an example, maybe someone can suggest strategies to deal ...
6 years ago
RE: Developing script on separate machine
Fair point. Thoughts about remoting into house computer vs the vice versa?
6 years ago