Sorry to keep bugging you, slowly getting my head around this.
having difficulty setting up my fermentation control with hysteresis, i have a cool and heat relay, both to be controlled from the one 1wire temp sensor, the relays both switched fine when i tested them as a digital output on ports 0 and 2, but when i removed the digital outputs and tried adding hysteresis outputs, only the relay on port2 works correctly, tried various combinations of settings but the relay on port 0 doesn't switch when its supposed to.
swapped from port 0 to port 13 and it works now
swapped from port 0 to port 13 and it works now
First... no problem reaching out for help... its why we are here.
Since the output worked on a port with a Digital Output, it should have worked with hysteresis. Remember that the hysteresis direction (heating or cooling) is dependent on the ON Offset Value. For cooling, a positive value should be used, which means the compressor will turn on when the temp gets to the Target PLUS the offset amount, then cool down to the Target. For heating, its opposite, so that the heat turns on when the temp gets to the Target MINUS the offset amount. Hope that helps.
Yea i had the offsets set correctly, not sure why it wasnt working on that port. All sorted now though.
Just thought of a possible improvement that could possibly be made to a future version to improve the visual display, it would be great if an elements background colour/image could be changed according to the value it gives.
For example a digital output could show green when on or red when off, a temperature sensor could show blue/orange/red according to its reading or a valve could have an image of an open/closed valve. Even better if it could handle GIFs
Yessir! This is slated for v1.1! It is taking us longer than we thought to get it put together since we keep working on squashing bugs that pop up, but it will come!
And another feature i think would be beneficial would be if it was able to pull data from various different workspaces for display on a kind of overview screen.
For example i intend to have a workspace for the brewery, one for fermentation, one for conditioning and one for serving.
I read somehwere that elements cant be duplicated but it would be good if they were able to be duplicated in read only mode to get an overview of the temps/status of certain items from different workspaces in one place.
this could be implemented as a new (read only) workspace or as a kind of screensaver screen which reverts back to previous workspace once touched.
Good point! This is not on our list but we will discuss it internally. I suppose we cold just have duplicate elements but would need to work through the implications.
You can do this now by creating variable elements, then using a script to copy the values from the actual elements into the variable elements. You would not be able to affect the settings of the origin elements, but at least you can see the values on the dashboard!