Is there a way to encode a carriage return in a string variable? It would be nice to be able to display multiple lines in a variable display, like Gallons and Liters at the same time.
Thank you
Good question. Let me discuss it with the dev team!
Has this been resolved? Page 82-83 in the manual says that "new line" codes can be added to display multiple lines via an Inspector but it didn't work when I tried it. I entered the example from the manual and it simply displayed the text as single line.
Is it possible to concatenate a value (converted into text) into the middle of a string? I tried this and it does not display the second part of the string ("gallons of water" does not display).
new value gal //Inspector variable
continue state = false //button element
wait continue state == true //wait for user to enter a value in "gal" variable
continue state = false
new string str
str = gal //converts "gal" value to text
new string MT //Inspector variable to display message
MT = "Fill MT with " + str + "gallons of water"
sleep 500
@piggles22 Yes, I just tried the example and it worked correctly. Not sure why it didn't work for you. My script (which I changed slightly from the manual): And an inspector to report 'str', worked perfectly (see attached).
new string str
str = "King\nQueen"
sleep 10000
And an inspector to report 'str', worked perfectly (see attached).
For your second question, the interpreter can only do math on two objects at a time... try:
MT = "Fill MT with " + str
MT += "gallons of water"
@pbruno3 I've tried running the "new line" code on two different laptops: a Dell PC running Windows 10 and on a MacBook Pro running Windows 8 (virtual machine in VMWare Fusion) and I get the same results on both machines (no new line). I've even tried running this code in three different versions of BC (1.0, 1.1.0, and 1.1.4) and get the same results in each. Very puzzling.
new string str
str = "King\nQueen"
sleep 3000
As for the inline addition of more than two objects, thanks. That's an easy fix.
Well shoot... I wonder if we added this along the way and didn't document it correctly.
We plan on releasing a 1.2 Beta within a few days... so perhaps you can grab that at that time.
Did this turn out to ba a 1.2 upgrade issue? I needed to do exactly the same thing and had the same result as Piggles22 with your sample code.
No, this is working in v 1.1 Build 9.