Hello again, So I've done some more work on extracting information from BruControl log files in the Data directory. It seems that BruControl only writ...
OK, makes sense.Also got it working alright!! 😀 lcd.jpg
Page 75 of the manual mentions the same special command will not be sent through to the display. Is this something that might apply to line content as...
LCD 04-LCD.jpg
backpack 03-backpack.jpg
I wound it round as far as I could, and I can now see the black blocks in the LCD. But still no text. I'll attach some photos 01-5V_gnd.jpg
Just as some extra info, the backlight on and off commands word properly. Sending text to LCD does nothing. I just soldered up a second LCD + backpack...
Not a problem in this case as the production install will be using PT100's. Once I get those wired in, I'll be able to confirm the calibrations work f...
Cool, I'll just work on reading logs and submitting readings to my website as an interim step. On a side note. I've got 1.1 installed and I'm using it...
As I guessed, setting the hysteresis target to 18 has given me the actual temperature of 17 with the raw reading of the DS18B20 being 18 degrees celsi...
And a screenshot of the linear offset applied to DS18B20 probe_offset.PNG